Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Follow up BB safety

Have had a couple of comments about the BB post.

Are there BB acts that are lower risk than others?  Yes.
The most dangerous thing would be to bottom for a BB top who was infected recently.  That person is a viral spreader, with sky high viral load.  Your risk of infection from that kind of encounter may be 1:20 or higher, especially if other STDs are present.

A BB top with a poz bottom, who has been infected for years, and who is on HAART, with an undetectable viral load might be a low risk.  I know that many men chose to accept this risk, and that is a personal decision.   I would not want anyone to think that the risk is zero, however.

Whatever you do, you should have this discussion every time, and if someone says they are negative......... well, who knows when the last test was?

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