The short form is this: HIV is with us, and infection rates are climbing in the gay community. Any realistic effort to stay negative is a very good thing.
If you're negative, having multiple partners, meeting men on line, and less than 100% safe, you are already taking bigger risks than safer sex with a known positive guy who's on medications. Keep that in perspective. After all, when we talk about relative risks of a sex act, 1:200, 1:20,000, or whatever, it isn't just the act, but the frequency of the action that are in play.
If you're meeting lots of men on the net (And "lots" does not mean "a couple of times a week, but less than my REALLY pig friend does."), you are at risk. In short, if the main focus of your self-protection plan is "UB2," you'll be changing teams, in the near future. In the October issue of Journal of AIDS, there is a new article clearly showing this. Men who stick with UB2s, but who have unprotected sex, are serocoverting rapidly.
I understand anxieties about sex with poz guys, and I respect it. I'd be less than honest if I didn't say I was more comfortable with pozzers than negs. Just be clear, and respectful, and please stay safe.
Read the rest of my posts, if you like, and leave me a note-
Oh, and please, don't refer to your negative status as "clean." I may have some antibodies, but I bathe, regularly. Kind of disgusting to refer to us as somehow, "dirty."